Over the past few years, Spec Resources Inc. had been the general contractor or sub-contractor on several large projects in our area, most notably the woodchip biomass boiler (general) and building, as well as the installation of a wind turbine (sub-contractor) at Université Sainte-Anne. Our related company, Spec Environmental Solutions Inc., is also the supplier of wood chips to the Université for the boiler. Below you will see some pictures of these projects, as well as other projects we have been involved with. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Biomass boiler & building – 2009
50 kw wind turbine – 2009/10
ICF (insulated concrete forms)
In 2009, we became a distributor of IntegraSpec & have provided several homes in the area with this innovative building system. For more information, go to our ICF link.
In 2009, a Rotochopper MC266 wood grinder was purchased by our related company, Spec Environmental Solutions Inc., in order to grind waste wood that is used as a feedstock for composting. This equipment is also used to grind wood for the biomass furnace at Universite Sainte-Anne, as well making mulch to sell to our customers.

Centre d’entrepreneuriat de Clare (subcontractor)
Performed excavation for building & parking lot, provided concrete, ashphalt & final landscaping.